Draft an essay that identifies the risk factors in Boogaard’s childhood and adolescent experience

Posted: July 9th, 2022

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ASSIGNMENT: Derek Boogaard was a well-known “enforcer” in the National Hockey League who died tragically of an accidental overdose at the age of 28 in May of 2011. A link to a New York Times article about his life is available as part of this week’s material. The web link is also below.
Using concepts and theories from Chapters 1-3 of Bartol & Bartol, draft an essay that identifies the risk factors in Boogaard’s childhood and adolescent experience, and explain how those risk factors contributed to Boogaard becoming an enforcer in hockey, a career that contributed to his premature death. The essay must be at least three pages and will be graded on thoughtfulness, grammar, organization, and how comprehensively you integrate concepts from chapters 1-3 into a logical, well-organized essay.
( I have attached some concepts and theories for you to incorporate in the paper ) ( LINK FOR THE ARTICLE: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/04/sports/hockey/derek-boogaard-a-boy-learns-to- brawl.html )

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