Evaluate and discuss Case 7 and complete the attached Diagnostic Evaluation Form.

Posted: July 14th, 2022

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We will watch and discuss Case 7 video in class. Here’s the link: First: www.symptommedia.com and log in: Username: BarryMSWTest (case sensitive) Password: TestBarryMSW (case sensitive) Then: https://symptommedia.com/training-title-5/ (Diagnosis is Schizotypal Personality d/o) Evaluate and discuss Case 7 and complete the attached Diagnostic Evaluation Form. Students will assess the client’s symptomatology and other relevant factors and will provide their diagnosis connecting the DSM-5 criteria to the specific symptoms and behaviors evident in the case. Students will also include and support by evidence “Other Conditions that May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention”, discuss the differential diagnosis and the client’s strengths and resources, and provide summary and recommendations. PLEASE SEE FEEDBACK FROM PAST ASSIGNMENT (Last attachment)

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