Evaluate system barriers and facilitators of effective team functioning and analyze two strategies for communicating and resolving conflict.

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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Respond to the following discussion question.
After watching the video, Medication Error in the Hospital Kills Two-Year Old Emily Jerry, explain how you believe collaborative teamwork may have created a different outcome for Emily Jerry.
• Identify two ideas you have to help implement teamwork and collaboration within healthcare.
• Evaluate system barriers and facilitators of effective team functioning and analyze two strategies for communicating and resolving conflict.
• Use at least two sources to support your answer.
Required Materials
• Armstrong, G. (2019). Quality and safety education for nurses teamwork and collaboration competency: Empowering nurses. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 50(6), 252–255. doi: 10.3928/00220124-20190516-04. [Accessible via ProQuest database]
• Patient Safety Movement. (2014, January 13). Medication error in the hospital kills two-year old Emily Jerry. [Video]. YouTube.
• QSEN Institute. (2020). QSEN competencies: Teamwork and collaboration.

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