Evaluate the selected company’s sustainable competitive advantage using the SWOT analysis technique.

Posted: July 2nd, 2022

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Successful businesses regularly analyze their processes to ensure they’re operating as efficiently as possible and maintaining their competitive advantages. Although you can assess a company in many ways, a common technique is the SWOT analysis. In this assignment, you will practice using a SWOT analysis to better understand the factors involved in making business decisions that promote sustainable competitive advantage.
Evaluate the selected company’s sustainable competitive advantage using the SWOT analysis technique.
Develop a 10-15 slide PowerPoint presentation modified SWOT analysis that includes the following:
-An introduction with a detailed descriiption of the company
-A SWOT analysis diagram that includes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
-An evaluation of how specific internal factors (strengths and/or weaknesses) support and/or promote a competitive advantage; examples may include:
-Financial, physical, or human resources
-Access to natural resources, trademarks, patents, or copyrights
-Current processes (employee programs or software systems)
-An evaluation of how specific external factors (opportunities and/or threats) support and/or promote a competitive advantage; examples may include:
-Market trends (new products or technology advancements)
-Economic trends (local and/or global)
-Regulations (political, environmental, or economic)
-Conclusion with an evaluation of how the company has retained its competitive advantage
Include APA-formatted in-slide citations and a reference slide with at least 2 sources. Note: You may include your textbook as 1 of the sources.

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