Examine the social determinant risk factors for the selected practice problem.

Posted: July 15th, 2022

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The topic is not Translation science theories and models its Evaluation of Processes in Population Health. I could not edit the topic.
Using your selected population, identify a practice problem related to one (1) of the following areas. Read the related chapter in Bemker, M. A., & Ralyea, C. (2018).Population health and its integration into advanced nursing practice. DEStech Publications, Inc.
Pediatric Issues (Chapter 7)
Gerontology and the Aging American (Chapter 8)
Military and Care for Veterans (Chapter 9)
Chronic Disease (Chapter 10)
Obesity – Opportunities Across the Continuum (Chapter 11)
Population Health in Trauma and Mental Health (Chapter 12)
Substance Use Disorders (Chapter 13)
Infectious Diseases as a Population Health Issue (Chapter 14)
Reflect on the above reading and address the following.
Compose a brief statement introducing the selected practice problem.
Examine the social determinant risk factors for the selected practice problem.
Summarize a related Healthy People 2030 Goal.
Link (website): Healthy People 2030 (Links to an external site.) 
Propose one evidence-based intervention to address the Healthy People 2030 goal after reviewing the literature.
Describe how you would determine if your evidence-based intervention was efficient, effective, and efficacious.

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