Examine the ways in which neighbourhoods in Glasgow have been affected either by globalisation or by social division

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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‘Drawing on available socio-economic data, and with reference to relevant academic literature, examine the ways in which neighbourhoods in Glasgow have been affected either by globalisation or by social division in the period since 1990. Illustrate your response with reference to at least one clearly identified neighbourhood’.
• You are recommended to use the course reading list as your first source of literature to support the essay. The link to this is on the Understanding Glasgow Moodle.
• Socio-economic data can be found in the sources recommended for the original fieldwork- based assignment. Again you will find this on the course Moodle.
• Note that the essay is designed to be desk-based and there is no requirement for field visits.
• Please avoid discussing either of the two neighbourhoods that were used for the group fieldwork by your tutorial group during week 6 of the course.
• The essay should be no more than 2000 words, not including references and any illustrative matter (tables, figures, diagrams etc). Please state the actual word length on the essay.
Please be sure to cover the theory and content covered in the attached PPT !!!!
Please cover the content and ideas of the articles mentioned in the recommended reading list !!!!
Please be sure to cover the theory and content covered in the attached PPT !!!!
Please cover the content and ideas of the articles mentioned in the recommended reading list !!!!
Please be sure to cover the theory and content covered in the attached PPT !!!!
Please cover the content and ideas of the articles mentioned in the recommended reading list !!!!
Please be sure to cover the theory and content covered in the attached PPT !!!!
Please cover the content and ideas of the articles mentioned in the recommended reading list !!!!
Please be sure to cover the theory and content covered in the attached PPT !!!!
Please cover the content and ideas of the articles mentioned in the recommended reading list !!!!

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