Explain employer conduct that violates employees’ rights.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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For this assignment you will write a two-part scholarly paper. It requires you to use academic sources, scholarly word
choice and tone, and effective use of evidence.
Begin with an introduction that establishes an understanding of the purpose of your paper. Clearly present your thesis and a
summary of the main points.
Next, for the first part, you must compare and contrast the rights—and the regulation of those rights—of unionized
employees versus public sector employees. Address the following, at a minimum
Differentiate the governance of rights for unionized and public sector employees.
Examine the rights of unionized employees versus public sector employees.
Next, you will compare and contrast the rights and benefits of a non-union member versus a union member in a unionized
bargaining unit. Be sure to:
Summarize the rights of both members in a bargaining environment.
Examine the differences for the two member classes when it comes to strikes, concerted action, and other organization
Explain employer conduct that violates employees’ rights.
Your paper must be a minimum of three pages, not including the title or reference pages. You may include up to three
graphics (not decorative images or pictures), tables, or charts to augment your paper.
You must use a minimum of three academic or peer-reviewed sources to support your paper. One source must come from
the Waldorf Online Library, and one may be your eTextbook. All sources used must have citations and references formatted
in APA Style. APA formatting of your scholarly activity is otherwise not required.

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