Explain how a person can be charged with stalking. What constitutes the offense?

Posted: July 18th, 2022

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Chapter 3: Victims of Familiar Violence
Chapter 4: Non-familial Violence and Victimization
(Assignment Due Date—July 17, 2022)
Points Possible: 100 Project Duration: 12-14 hours
Deliverable Length: 3-5 pages
A)  Explain how a person can be charged with stalking. What constitutes the offense?
B)  Discuss the warning signs of an abusive relationship.
C)  What common factors are associated with child abuse, spousal abuse, and rape?
D)  Explain the difference between target murders and spontaneous murders.
E)  Differentiate between domestic and international terrorism. How are they similar?
F)  Discuss why street gangs are considered terrorists. Is the terrorism label incorrect?
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