Explain how colonisation can leave a lasting impact on the country that is colonised.

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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Please answer ONE of these essays of 750 words and
submit to Turnitin.
1. Explain how colonisation can leave a lasting impact
on the country that is colonised.
• You should use real cases from at least one
colonized country.
• You should identify and analyse at least TWO
• You can evaluate from any of the following cultural
perspectives: language, education, identity, social
structures, economy, and politics.
2. Identify and evaluate the progress from TWO of the
waves of feminism.
• You should choose from the four waves of the
20″/21* century.
• You should compare and contrast the causes
that were fought for and the methods used in
each of the chosen waves.
• You can include examples of activists, writers or

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