Explain how each of these factors may affect the demand for your product. Which of these factors is likely to be most important in affecting the demand for your product?

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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Chapter 2 Running Your Own MNC REMEMBER: you are applying concepts covered in the chapter to the questions below. (So, please make sure to read the chapter prior to completing this assignment.) 1. Assessing Country Factors That Will Affect the Demand for Your Product Identify the factors that can affect the balance of trade between the United States and the country that you targeted for your business. Explain how each of these factors may affect the demand for your product. Which of these factors is likely to be most important in affecting the demand for your product? 2. Accessing Trade Data Determine whether the product you plan to sell is already one of the main exports to that country. 3. Accessing Import Controls Review the import controls set by that country’s government. Determine whether your business would be affected by trade regulations. Assignment Requirements: 1. Your response must be formatted utilizing the numbers & headers as provided above. 2. A minimum of one website citation is required. 3. 300 word minimum 4. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation will be considered. Your response should NOT be one long, run-on paragraph. Website for your reference: www.bea.gov Rubric: 15 points: ALL elements, and requirements, of the assignment are addressed in a full and comprehensive manner – that demonstrates the students understanding AND application of the material.

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