Explain how one merit and one limitation of cognitive behavior theory relates to the case study.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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– Answer each question in number form example Question 1 then Answer,,, Question 2 …. then Answer
-In 1–2 sentences, identify and describe the presenting problem.
-In 1–2 sentences, briefly define and conceptualize the problem from a cognitive-behavioral theoretical orientation.
-Formulate two assessment questions that you will ask the client to better understand the client’s problem. Remember, the assessment questions should be guided by cognitive-behavioral theory.
-In 1–2 sentences, identify two goals for treatment. Again, remember, the goals should be consistent with cognitive-behavioral theory.
-In 1–2 sentences, describe the treatment plan from a cognitive-behavioral theoretical orientation. Remember, the treatment plan should align with the goal(s) for work.
-Discuss one outcome you would measure, if you were to determine whether the intervention worked, and explain how this is consistent with cognitive behavior theory.
-Explain how one merit and one limitation of cognitive behavior theory relates to the case study.
-Analyze the application of cognitive-behavioral theory in relation to a diversity issue pertinent to the case.

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