Explain how the conditions and culture media you choose will meet the nutritional and environmental needs of the microorganism

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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Textbook: Microbiology: A Systems Approach
Textbook by Marjorie Kelly Cowan
Chapters 7, 8
Weekly Concepts
Initial Post Instructions
Class, let’s discuss the categories that organisms can be grouped in based on their nutritional requirements. Find one microorganism, either a prokaryote or eukaryote, and describe the environment in which it lives. (Does it live underwater? On skin? In soil? Give as many details as possible!) To complete your initial post, you will then use the vocabulary we discussed to classify it based on its nutritional needs and environmental requirements. (Is it a halophile? A chemoheterotroph? Use as many terms as you can!)
propose the best way to culture their microorganisms with an explanation. Explain how the conditions and culture media you choose will meet the nutritional and environmental needs of the microorganism. (Is there a particular temperature you should use? Is CO2 needed? What medium would be best?)

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