Explain how the information gathered is connected to human development

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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ScenarioYou are the Intake Coordinator for a mental health center. Your role is to gather patient information using a questionnaire. This data collection aims to provide a more holistic understanding of the patient’s human development to the medical team for proper diagnosis and treatment.
The Board of Directors has requested a report that explains why each question on the questionnaire is being asked. They want to ensure that the questions encompass all aspects of a patient’s background. Your job is to review the questionnaire and write a report that explains why each question is being asked and how the information gathered from each question is helpful for the medical team.
Download the Questionnaire.
For each question:
Identify the information that will be gathered from the patient.
Explain how the information gathered is connected to human development and how it will be useful to the medical team.
Consider what you have learned regarding human development and how it is shaped throughout a person’s lifespan, including how a person was raised and how genetics and culture play a role.
Use professional language and include attribution for sources.
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