Explain HOW the modern day (within the past 22 years) example illustrates the elements of civil disobedience as outlined by Thoreau and, possibly, other adherents of this philosophy — Gandhi, MLK, etc.

Posted: July 1st, 2022

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For this assignment, you are going to write a 500-word essay that discusses how civil disobedience can still be seen in America “today” (for the purposes of clarity, “today” can refer to any time period between 2000 and now.)
In your response, be sure to address the following:
Provide a clear definition of civil disobedience as outlined by Thoreau
Provide at least ONE modern day example.
You can provide more than one example, but those examples must illustrate the elements of civil disobedience, or points will be deducted.
Give relevant background information regarding the modern day example(s)
If you have multiple examples, you must provide relevant background info for all of them, or points will be deducted.
Explain HOW the modern day (within the past 22 years) example illustrates the elements of civil disobedience as outlined by Thoreau and, possibly, other adherents of this philosophy — Gandhi, MLK, etc.
If you have multiple examples, you must explain each of them fully, or points will be deducted.

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