Explain how you exemplified empathy in your interviews.

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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Question: Cultural Empathy Strategies
Click the ‘scenario’ button below to review the topic and then answer the following question: 
Description:  You conduct individual interviews of team members at the worksite to help determine strategies that may best support the employees and their culture-related grievances. During these interviews, you made sure to acknowledge team members’ emotions about how they were feeling and shared gratitude for opening up about what was going on with them. You showed genuine interest in their proposed solutions and were very encouraging that the company was invested in finding supportive solutions for all. The interviews were supposed to last 15 – 20 minutes each, and some lasted up to an hour. You allowed space for each to be heard. You wanted to make sure you asked as many questions as you could to understand the cultural differences and allow the person to share elements of their cultural affiliations with you.
Question: Explain how you exemplified empathy in your interviews.  

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