Explain in detail the issue as it pertains to the politics of Medicare or Medicaid.

Posted: July 16th, 2022

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 One of the significant challenges for Medicare and Medicaid is not necessarily the implementation of the program but the influence of the political climate in regard to both the financial support and control of the programs.
For this assignment, choose two articles from the list below:
Aaron, H. J., & Butler, S. (2008). A federalist approach to health reform: The worst way, except for all the others. Health Affairs, 27(3), 725–735.
Kaiser Family Foundation. (2011). Federal core requirements and state options in Medicaid: Current policies and key issues. Retrieved from Federal Core Requirements and State Options in Medicaid: Current Policies and Key Issues.
Kronick, R., & Gilmer, T. (2012). Medicare and Medicaid spending variations are strongly linked within hospital regions but not at overall state level. Health Affairs, 31(5), 948–955.
Weil, A., & Scheppach, R. (2010). New roles for states in health reform implementation. Health Affairs, 29(6), 1178–1182.
Explain the main points of the articles.
Explain in detail the issue as it pertains to the politics of Medicare or Medicaid.
Discuss the impact of the issue relative to the provisions for services to Medicare or Medicaid recipients.
 As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format. 
 assignment should be addressed in a 2- to 3-page document. 

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