Explain the benefits and drawbacks of hiring your selected workforce type(s).

Posted: July 15th, 2022

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You are the Director of Human Resources for a rapidly growing technology firm. In the past three weeks, your organization has seen a huge increase in profitability and has contracted with 30 new corporate clients. Your employees are doing the best they can to ensure the success of your organization during this time of being understaffed, but the CEO, CFO, managerial staff, and others know that the company needs to hire new employees.
For this Critical Thinking Assignment, do the following:
Provide information about the technology industry. Specifically, explain details through conducting research regarding the competitive nature of this industry.
Make a case for hiring either full-time, contingent, or contract employees. Explain the benefits and drawbacks of hiring your selected workforce type(s).
Since you will need to recruit over 100+ technology employees, given organizational growth, explain if you believe that the recruitment function should be kept in-house or outsourced. Justify your rationale.
Write a 5-page paper not including the title and reference pages, which are required.

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