Explain the differences between individual values, group values, and society/community values. 

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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1. Explain the differences between individual values, group values, and society/community values. 
2. List the 7Cs embodied by the leader you watched in the documentary. Include the name of the leader and title of the documentary you selected.  https://www.learningforjustice.org/classroom-resources/film-kits/one-survivor-remembers/streaming 
3. Relate the 7Cs to the service-learning issue you’ve chosen and support your responses with evidence connected to that service-learning issue and the individual, group, and society/community values inherent in it.
As you write your reflective hw, keep in mind
The needs of the community that should be addressed
What has been done or can be done to address these needs
The resources that are needed to make change happen

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