Explain the impact of gender, gender role expectations, and gender stereotypes on work roles and physical and mental health

Posted: July 2nd, 2022

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This is a Psychology of Gender Course
Guidelines: You have been hired to consult at a large corporation on these two projects:
1. Design a training course to help employees deal with gender issues at work.
2. Write a report reflecting how your course will improve understanding and ways of relating among employees.
 culture and history: describe cultural and historical influences on conceptions of gender and other forms of diversity
 gender differences: discuss research findings on gender differences and similarities in aggression, achievement, and communication.
 relationships: identify gender issues in friendships and romantic relationships
 gender expectations: explain the impact of gender, gender role expectations, and gender stereotypes on work roles and physical and mental health
I have included two examples of what the professor is looking for. Use these as a guide for Ideas and the layout (pictures of people are not necessary). Very detailed instructions are located in the files. It is important that you include everything he is asking for.
Please message me with any questions or if you need clarification.
Journal articles must be searchable on a google search and show the entire article not just the abstract. The professor does check.
For each of the eight sessions, state one course learning objective, one Web site, and one article that you will use for that session so you will need to find many sources.
The Rubric is included so you can see how he is grading.

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