Explain the importance of debriefings.

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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Write an 500 word essay addressing each of the following points/questions. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least two (2) sources in your essay. Make sure to reference the citations using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page do not count towards the minimum word amount. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.
Describe the case that defined you as a nurse.
What happened, how were you involved?
How does this case still affect you and your practice?
What steps have you taken to overcome the stress of this event? (Remember to protect patient privacy).
Explain the importance of debriefings.
If a debriding would happen in your workplace who would be involved, what would be discussed, who would lead the debriefing, where would it take place?
Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking (12th Edition) , 12th
ISBN: 978-1469893419

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