Explain the relationship between the learning theory and the service.

Posted: July 1st, 2022

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Using a learning theory from examples below, design a brochure or flyer advertising an educational service for college-level students.
Choose one of the three following theories to use for your assessment:
Cognitive learning theory.
Social learning theory.
Constructivist theory.
You will also need to incorporate at least two scholarly journal articles in your assessment. Review the articles and video clips in this assessment that relate to your chosen theory, as they provide examples of the type of articles you should find as well as key words that you could use while researching.
Creating a Brochure
Watch the following tutorial if you need help on creating a brochure in Microsoft Word.
Excel, Word and PowerPoint Tutorials from Howtech. (2013, June 25). How to make a brochure in Microsoft Word [Video]. | Transcriipt YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-wuhi2W-Yc
Design a brochure or flyer advertising an educational service for college-level students. Some examples you may choose include learning groups, support services, tutoring services, supplemental instruction, et cetera. With the theory you selected in mind, include the following in your brochure or flyer:
Describe the service you are advertising.
Explain the relationship between the learning theory and the service.
Explain how the learning theory is applicable to the service.
Explain the benefits of the service using the learning theory.
Support your explanation with evidence from scholarly sources.
Explain three ways that the service will support college-level learning.
Support your explanation with evidence from scholarly sources.
Include reflections from your college-level student experiences.
Submission Requirements
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and format. See Evidence and APA.
Number of resources: Include a minimum of two current scholarly or professional resources.
Length of brochure or flyer: At your discretion.
Font and font size: Use your creativity and images to enhance your brochure or flyer.

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