Explain the role of knowledge management systems.

Posted: June 9th, 2022

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 You are the business owner of a local small engine repair shop, and you have been thinking about implementing a knowledge management system for your customer service technicians. You are thinking about this because there were times when one of your technicians knew how to fix certain engine problems and others did not. Providing a central knowledge repository could help share troubleshooting and repair knowledge among your technicians. 
Explain the role of knowledge management systems.
Explain what is meant by expert systems.
Explain what is meant by content management systems.
Discuss how the business in the selected scenario could benefit from an expert system and a content management system and provide two examples for each type of system.
Discuss how the business in the selected scenario could benefit from business intelligence and provide two examples of these benefits.
Discuss how the business in the selected scenario can use social media to not only obtain information and knowledge but to share it as well, and provide two examples of how the business might use social media information systems.

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