Explain the “Total Rewards Halo” mentioned in the podcast.

Posted: July 9th, 2022

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This week, please think about the various types of Total Reward outside of traditional benefits and compensation. The Great Resignation has forced employers to be more creative in their Total Rewards package.
Please listen to the Apple Podcast, Maximize Your Total Rewards Strategy, (Links to an external site.)and respond the following questions:
Identify three non-traditional benefits/compensation opportunities that employees might find valuable and may differentiate an employer from others.
For each, note two challenges an employer might consider in evaluating the potential benefits/compensation opportunity.
Explain the “Total Rewards Halo” mentioned in the podcast.
What are [5] key considerations in determining the best practice for developing a Compensation and Benefits model?
Please provide your response and then comment on postings by at least one of your classmates.

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