Explain the unique challenges associated with the increase in prisoners with ties to terrorism

Posted: July 15th, 2022

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CMRJ 316
Describe and Explain the unique challenges associated with the increase in prisoners with ties to terrorism and other extremist groups. Develop a plausible approach that prison administrators could implement in tackling some of the most significant challenges.
APA 7th edition
12 font times new roman
Each assignment will need to include the following:
An APA formatted title page.
The original question at the top of the essay (serves as the abstract).
The body of your response must be a minimum of 2-3 pages.
A reference page formatted to APA 7th edition.
A minimum of two current, scholarly references per assignment. Web sources can be used, though they should come from credible sources such as government agencies, academics, and private agencies with a strong reputation within the community they serve. Examples of peer-reviewed scholarly based journals include:
Journal of Criminology
Crime and Public Opinion
Journal of Criminal Justice and Public Policy
Justice Quarterly: JQ
Furthermore, do not use encyclopedias, dictionaries, newspapers (unless otherwise permitted), and popular magazines. It is important to remember that this is an undergraduate level class and you are required to submit undergraduate level work, which is backed up by academically credible material. If you have a question about the quality of a potential resource please email your professor.

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