Explain two challenges you foresee for weight loss in your future patients.

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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Understanding Fat Formation and Metabolism – Part 2
Complete this activity after you have submitted Understanding Fat Formation and Metabolism – Part 1.
Assess all the challenges to losing weight, including food security, environment, education, metabolism, genetics, etc. Include the following in your assessment:
Explain two challenges you foresee for weight loss in your future patients.
Discuss at least three ways you will aid patients in weight loss goals. Consider these factors:
Realistic goals
When to refer
Who to refer to
Resources available (i.e., community and online programs)
Encouragement of positive behavior change
This assignment should be 1–2 double-spaced pages in length and in APA (7th ed.) format. Be sure to cite your resources.
Sunday, by 11:59 p.m.

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