Explain two challenges you foresee to behavior change for someone just diagnosed with diabetes.

Posted: July 20th, 2022

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Complete this activity after you have submitted Hormones and Glucose Levels – Part 1.
Explain two challenges you foresee to behavior change for someone just diagnosed with diabetes.
Discuss at least three realistic goals for a person newly diagnosed with diabetes. Consider the following:
Length of time for achievement
Socioeconomic status of patient
Current behaviors and motivation
Resources available to the patient
This assignment should be 1–2 double-spaced pages in length and in APA (7th ed.) format. Be sure to cite your resources.
Sunday, by 11:59 p.m
Submission Guidelines
The activity should follow APA (7th ed.) format and be no more than 2 double-spaced pages in length.
Submit your written assignment as a Microsoft Word document. For help on how to submit your assignment, see Submit an Assignment.
This activity is worth 25 points toward your final grade.
Read the Written Assignment Rubric below to review the assessment criteria for this activity.

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