Explain what the graph is trying to say about the Concern for Relationships

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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View both figures above and then, answer the following questions:  

In Figure #1 what is the cartoon trying to say?
In Figure #2 explain what the graph is trying to say about the Concern for Relationships and the Concern for Outcomes.
Among the five descriptors in Figure #2 (1. “The Peacemaker”, 2. “The Problem-Solver”, 3. “The Trader”, 4. “The Escapist”, and 5. “The Player”), what kind of person do you see yourself as?
Give a scenario that would be an example of you acting as an “The Peacemaker”, “The Trader”, “The Escapist”, “The Problem-Solver”, or “The Player”?

Your assignment should be: 

One (1) page
Typed according to APA style for margins, formatting and spacing standards
Typed into a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload the file

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