Explain what the use of this technology has to do with community policing.

Posted: June 8th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a criminal justice discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.This week, you are reading a very interesting chapter on the use of technology to collect and analyze information. Gone are the days of using push pins on a map on the wall to indicate hot-spots of crime. In addition, gone are the days of hand-searching a homicide report for one lead of 500 that contains the name of a new suspect! In keeping with this week’s theme, please search credible sources on the internet or (gasp!), in the library, to locate an article whose focus is on the use of technology by a criminal justice agency. In your first post, provide a summary of the article.
indicate the “old school” way of processing data/information that was replaced by the technology.
provide a complete explanation of how the use of the technology will assist the criminal justice agency in its mission to “bridge the gap” between the community and the agency.explain what the use of this technology has to do with community policing.
Requirements: 400 words

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