Explain what your intake should be per glass/cup or fluid ounce, ml, etc. individually.

Posted: July 1st, 2022

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Part 1:
Antioxidant Assessment:
This is a critical thinking question. Submit your assignment through the text box or word document option. Page 289 discusses the nutrition debate on antioxidants from food and supplements.
With everything you have learned from this chapter, how do you plan to ensure that you regularly consume appropriate levels of antioxidants?
Many of you have goals of eating healthier and trying new and different fruits and veggies, but this is asking, how do you plan to make that change…
Part 2:
How much water should you drink?
Chapter 7 assessment is to help identify if you are reaching your daily intake of water. Please review the information on page 233 in your text.
What is the DRI for water for men and women?
Explain what your intake should be per glass/cup or fluid ounce, ml, etc. individually. Answers will vary. Some of you are athletes or work out, some of you may work in hotter environments than others etc.
What is YOUR need, individually for water intake and are you achieving that amount each day?
If not, how or in what ways can you improve your intake of water?
Part 3:
From the Book
Answer each question using your text. This assignment will challenge you to research and read to formulate an answer. Do not answer using one word sentences. There is a lot of information given to be able to answer these questions. You do NOT need to copy your text. Give me the key points when answering the questions. One sentence or even 2 sentence answers will not be awarded credit. There is much to understand. Give me details.
Review Questions
Describe the location and composition of body fluid (pages 224-225)
Identify the critical contributions of water and electrolytes to human functioning (pages 226-229)
Discuss the mechanisms by which the body gains and loses fluids (pages 230-232)
Identify the functions, DRIS, and common dietary sources of sodium, potassium, chloride, and phosphorus (pages 237-242)
Discuss several disorders related to fluid and electrolyte balance (pages 243-245)

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