Explain why these individuals and/or teams were selected.

Posted: June 6th, 2022

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Week 1 assignment
Complete Part 1 of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template. Be sure to:
. Identify at least two academic and at least two professional individuals or teams to collaborate with to be successful in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse(include the names, titles, and organizations of at least two academic individuals, and at least two professional individuals).
. Explain why these individuals and/or teams were selected.
. Explain how these individuals and/or teams will support success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse.Identify at least two academic and at least two professional individuals or teams to collaborate with to be successful in the MSN program(masters in psychiatric and mental health) and as a practicing nurse.
Academic individuals- 1. Dr. Obafemi( a doctor in psychiatric nursing with over 25years of experience). 2. Brittany Carson(certified academic clinical nurse educator at Chamberlain University irving,Texas).
Professional individuals- 1. Chioma Igwiloh(RN-BSN, a travel nurse with healthtrust. I have known her for 22years)
2. Paulette Offor(RN-BSN, a travel nurse with Angels of Care with vast experience in psychiatric, ICU and critical care nursing).
Writing instructions:APA 7th edition format2 References1 full page(excluding title and reference page).Originality report needed

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