Following the educational program, did the students gain knowledge on nutrition/healthy eating?

Posted: June 7th, 2022

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Learning Goal: I’m working on a public health project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Planning your Evaluation:Theoretical Community Partner and Priority Population (1 point):
QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER ANSWERING IN THIS SECTION:my community partner:School Staff (4th-grade teachers, principal)Local farmers marketstheir priorities are: Educate and provide school children with the knowledge to develop better eating habits and the resources for nutritious foods.Maintain a Bi-weekly curriculum for 4th-grade school teachers on healthy nutrition and better eating habits before the end of the 2022 academic school population of interest:4th graders
While researching we found that 4th graders would be the perfect target population because that is the year in which critical thinking and problem-solving begin to be introduced, “stronger interconnectedness in their brain architecture and improved abilities in planning, problem-solving, information processing, and long-term memory than younger kids” (Pellissier, 2016). We figured that implementing a curriculum based on nutrition will provide them with important life skills that will set them up for success and overall better quality of life. Research Questions and Type (Quantitative / Qualitative / Mixed) (1.5 points):
Provide the list of research questions you want to ask.Clearly determine how each question will be asked (using qualitative or quantitative tools, or both). You’ll be asked to provide more detail in upcoming weeks, but productive information on how you think you’ll collect the data (e.g., survey, focus group). Hint: these should match up / make sense with your outcomes of interestWe have two research questions that our evaluation group wants to ask. The first research question is:Following the educational program, did the students gain knowledge on nutrition/healthy eating? The second research question we want to ask is:Was there an improvement in students’ beliefs/attitudes regarding their nutrition and healthy eatingTopics / Outcomes of Interest (1.5 points):
QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER ANSWERING IN THIS SECTION:What are your outcomes of interest?By the end of our 9 months (an entire school year), 4th-grade students can read and understand a food label.
Students will be able to explain the food groups and how those groups are processed by the body.
We will see a 30% increase of 4th-grade students who will be able to implement a more varied diet with more healthy options with meal planning.
4th graders will be able to distinguish between calorically dense vs nutritionally dense foods (aka healthy food and junk food) Maybe start with a simple education like choosing a healthy fruit/nut as a snack rather than a candy/ ice cream.
4th graders can simply identify different types of food sources (protein-meat; carb- rice/ pasta, fiber- veggie, fat- olive oil).
By the end of their 4th grade academic school year, students will be able to distinguish between food-related wants and needs.
4th graders will be able to understand the good and bad results of eating unhealthy foods.
….Please answer these two questions depending on the information that I provided on top of my project What are your specific evaluation questions and what type of questions are they (i.e., quantitative, qualitative, both)?
So the two questions are those and are quantitative questions. please explain why they consider quantitative questions
Following the educational program, did the students gain knowledge on nutrition/healthy eating? Was there an improvement in students’ beliefs/attitudes regarding their nutrition and healthy eating?1. Explain why you selected these research questions (i.e., how do the questions align with your program outcomes? Make sure to explain WHY we selected our research questions and HOW they align with our outcomes.I don’t really know how to explain that so please do.2.Did you write your own questions? If yes, provide a justification.I didn’t write my questions I found them online so please explain that and provide a justification.Also, provide three more Qualitative questions with explanation of how they fit my projectIf you have any question please ask me so I can explain it
Requirements: 200-250. words

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