For this assignment, create your version of a hierarchy, though focus only on the psychological needs

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Most of us are familiar with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The hierarchy contains both physiological and psychological needs, some of which are needs based on deficiency and one based on “becoming”. For this assignment, create your version of a hierarchy, though focus only on the psychological needs. Please use the needs that your authors suggest, as well as what Maslow presented. You may also find that others have suggested additional psychological needs that you may want to include in your hierarchy (internet search).
Remember, this is your version of a hierarchy, so:
Do not copy and paste information from websites that you find, reword the information in a way that you believe would be helpful.
You may also want to share anecdotal stories that you are aware of to help emphasize the points you are making.
Follow APA format (references)
Upload your finished hierarchy and additional notes for explanations as needed.

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