For this assignment, write and submit the Cash Flow Statement

Posted: July 15th, 2022

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In this class, we will use a scaffold learning approach. What that means is some of the assignments are designed to help you build sections of your final project as you go along. This way, you get feedback on the sections through these assignments and can address that feedback in your final project to make your final project stronger. This will also allow you to identify any issues or roadblocks early and ask for help as you need it instead of waiting till the end where you may run out of time.
Click on the Final Project assignment and review all the guidelines.
For this assignment, write and submit the Cash Flow Statement Analysis section of the final project. Do not include any sections of the final project that you wrote for previous assignments. Only include the section asked for in this assignment.
Your assignment must follow all the formatting guidelines laid out in the final project (such as including APA formatted title page, references and in-text citations).
Section 5 Cash Flow Analysis: In this section, you will analyze the company’s cash flow statement. Your analysis should include an overview of the statement of cash flow, an analysis of the cash flows from operating, investing, and financing activities, as well as the change in cash and cash equivalents for each year? How have these numbers changed over the three years, and what could be some reasons why these numbers have changed the way they have.

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