For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that completes the following:
Explore the history of psychopathology, including historical approaches, institutional treatments, and methods used today. Ensure that you explore the conceptualization of mental illness over time and describe the evolution of mental illness treatment methods.
Analyze the influence of nature versus nurture among the current psychological paradigms by explaining whether each school of thought tends toward nature, nurture, or both. Please justify your reasoning with one original example for each.
Your presentation should be at least eight slides long, not counting the title slide and reference slide. References should be properly cited in a reference list at the end of your presentation. You may utilize bullets, lists, charts, tables, paragraphs, images, etc. for your presentation. Ensure the presentation that you create is your own authentic work.
A minimum of two credible sources should be used for this assignment. One of the sources can be the textbook. Utilize the CSU Online Library to find a credible source.
Do not utilize the note section of your presentation. Do not narrate your presentation

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