For this course, you will prepare a weeklong science unit plan.

Posted: July 2nd, 2022

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Planning a Science Unit Plan
1. Identify necessary and relevant science standards for discipline, core content, and grade level. [ACEI 3.1; InTASC 4(a), 4(n), 7(a), 7(g)]
2. Connect standards to core science content through the development of appropriate lesson outlines. [ACEI 3.1; InTASC 4(a), 4(n), 7(a), 7(g)]
3. Outline key components of instructional planning for a variety of standards-based science content lessons. [ACEI 3.1; InTASC 4(a), 4(b), 4(h), 4(j), 4(l), 7(g)]
Assessment Traits
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Assessment Descriiption
For this course, you will prepare a weeklong science unit plan. Each assignment will scaffold to create the benchmark. Each week, for each assignment, you will be completing a portion of the science unit plan.
The unit plan will be aligned to state content standards, in the areas of science and health (fitness, body, physical activity, emotional, and/or motor skills), along with a minimum of two of the following content disciplines:
• Scientific Method
• Physical Science
• Life Science
• Earth and Space
• Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science
Part 1: Title, Rationale, Standards, Learning Objectives, Vocabulary
The planning process, which includes defining the structure and selecting a theme that encompasses multiple areas of science in one unit, is the first step in preparing a unit plan.
When planning your unit plan, identify which concepts in science can overlap from one lesson to another. You could have more than one standard from different areas of science in each lesson.
Select a K-8 grade level and use the “Science Unit Plan” template to guide you through the necessary steps and components.
For this assignment, complete the following components in the “Science Unit Plan” template:
• Lesson Title, Brief Summary, and Rationale: Summarize and provide a rationale as to how each lesson can overlap multiple areas of science in one lesson and the scope/intent of the lesson.
• State-Specific Standards: List the specific grade-level standards that teach and assess science content areas.
• Learning Objectives: Write learning objectives specific to your state standards and the lesson.
• Vocabulary: Include the appropriate academic language and vocabulary that is appropriate to each lesson.
The details of the “Science Unit Plan” will continue to be fully developed and revised throughout the duration of the course, culminating in a complete unit plan due in Topic 5.
Part 2: Reflection
In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect on the process of beginning your unit plan and including multiple content areas of science in one lesson. What do you consider the most important key components of your unit plan so far? How can this process be used in your future professional practice?
Submit the “Science Unit Plan” and reflection as one deliverable.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite Technical Support Articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.
• Expand All RubricExpand All
• expand Lesson Plan Title, Brief Summary, and Rationale assessment
• Lesson Plan Title, Brief Summary, and Rationale
• 24 points
• expand State-Specific Standards, Learning Objectives, and Vocabulary assessment
• State-Specific Standards, Learning Objectives, and Vocabulary
• 24 points
• expand Reflection assessment
• Reflection
• 8 points
• expand Mechanics of Writing assessment
• Mechanics of Writing
• 20 points
• expand Paper Format assessment
• Paper Format
Not Just for History: Primary Sources in the Science and Health Classroom, read “Not Just for History: Primary Sources in the Science and Health Classroom,” by Anderson, located on the Internet@Schools website.
Science Unit Plan Template, Review the “Science Unit Plan” template to prepare for assignments 1-5 and the benchmark assignment.
Teaching Science to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Elementary Students , Read Chapter 1.
Engineering Go For It (eGFI), Explore the eGFI website.
Five Essential Features of Inquiry, Review the “Five Essential Features of Inquiry” chart, located on the Mining Gems website.
Learn To Be Healthy, Explore the Learn to be Healthy website.
Safety in the Science Classroom, Laboratory, and Field Sites, Read “Safety in the Science Classroom, Laboratory, and Field Sites,” located on the National Science Teachers Association website.
What is Inquiry?, Read “What is Inquiry?” located on the Exploratorium website.

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