For this discussion, you will be researching Current Events related to the Immune System.

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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Discussion posts should be roughly 200 words in length or 2 minutes in video. Discussions may take the form of written paragraphs or outlines, video, presentations, etc. Posts that are not thorough or overly verbose will have points deducted.
Review posts already made by your peers – repeat topics will not be scored. You are welcome to “reserve” a topic. If you reserve a topic, EDIT or reply to your original post to copy/paste your discussion post for your peers to see (full posts are due on Friday by 11:59PM EST)
For this discussion, you will be researching Current Events related to the Immune System. In your initial post, you should include:
Find an article that discusses a current (within the last 6 months) topic related to the immune system (some great places to start are immunity, natural defenses, vaccines, etc. – this does NOT have to be limited to the human immune system)
Provide a summary of what you learned in the article. Be sure to include major findings and relevance to what we have learned in this course about the immune system.
Provide APA citations and a reference section for the article (and any other articles you use)
Spelling and grammar should be appropriate for an academic report

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