For this Essay, you will explain how each narrative addresses a common theme

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Background: In Part 2 of the semester, our reading included English,
Indian, Antiguan, Chinese, and Russian authors, all with their own
perspectives on life. One narrative, Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl’
expresses some pretty strict assumptions about what it meant to be
female in 1970’s Antigua. At the same time, we looked at a present-
day song from Little Big Town called “The Daughters.
” Though
written more than 40 years apart, the narratives share many similar
Writing Prompt: For this Essay, you will explain how each
narrative addresses a common theme that is presented in both
Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl” and LBT’s “The Daughters”. Your task
is to identify a central theme that is common to both narratives and
demonstrate how each author handles the theme throughout the
narratives. You must include connections to the assigned texts, with
quoted (page number cited) examples from the reading. Remember
that you must explain how each piece of quoted text demonstrates
your assertions.
Length Requirement: Essays must be between 500-700 words
(about 2 pages) no longer or shorter.
Citation Requirements: The purpose of this assignment is to make a
connection between the two texts, so you must include passages from
the reading with proper MLA in-text page citations. Since there will
be no additional research allowed beyond the course textbook, No
Works Cited Page is required. If you fail to make connections with
the text, and leave out quotes and/or citations, your essay will be
**I’ll attach an already reviewed file of the original essay with notes about needed areas of improvement along with the essay of course
Sources: “The Norton Anthropology of World Literature”

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