For this portion, you will use the same research to write for a popular audience.

Posted: July 9th, 2022

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it is a Forum
The Research Project As A Whole
In order to practice everything we have studied, you will engage in an extended research project. You will need to form a research question and gather all the information you can find to answer it. Once you feel you have your answer, you will need to turn that answer into an argument and make that argument to two different audiences(one academic and one public) with purposes and genres appropriate for the communities of those audiences. This, then, will entail producing two different texts that, while they make some form of the same argument, must communicate to two different audiences. You will choose the forum and discourse community that you will write for.

Think of this paper as your entry into a conversation with your sources and your readers. This conversation on your topic has been going on for a while, and it will continue after you are through. Do not expect to be able to say the final, definitive word on this topic. Rather, shoot for making the conversation (and your position within it) intelligible to your reader.
Research for a General Audience in a Popular Forum
For this portion, you will use the same research to write for a popular audience. To do so, you will choose a specific forum—that is a specific magazine, newspaper, website, etc—that you will write for. Analyze that forum to determine the appropriate conventions to follow.
The essay should be of an appropriate length for the forum.
The essay should present the research in a way appropriate for an academic audience.
It should speak to a question or issue of interest to a popular audience.
The essay should use the citation style, format, and layout appropriate for the forum.
relate with Project 3: Scholarly Article, different type.

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