For your analysis, you should write about 400-600 words, double spaced.

Posted: July 15th, 2022

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For your analysis, you should write about 400-600 words, double spaced.
This paper should have a thesis statement and should make an argument. That means you need to provide examples from the works we’ve read as evidence of your argument. You must use at least 2 of the three texts (Inferno by Dante Alighieri, The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio, and Rime Sparse by Frances Petrarch).
Some topics might include:
-Comparing and contrasting as aspect of 2 texts
-How 2 of the texts seem to represent Humanism in a particular way
For example, I might want to argue that Petrarch and Dante both aim to become famous through their poetry. I could then provide examples of Dante’s “Me, Myself, Alone” and the presence of Virgil and also discuss the self-reflective nature of Petrarch love poetry. That is, that these poems are about the poet not really the content in many ways.
PLEASE NOTE: An analysis means that you have to make an argument for or against a particular reading of the texts. Summarizing is not analysis. Assume your reader is familiar with the works. Also, stating that the Decameron is “an interesting work” is not an analysis. Pick a specific aspect of the work and don’t be afraid to take a stand! Then back up your argument by citing examples from the text.

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