For your midterm assignment you are required to investigate Buddhism in popular culture.

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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For your midterm assignment you are required to investigate
Buddhism in popular culture. You will search out a minimum of SIX
popular culture exemplars that include Buddhist themes, ideas, or
practices. These might include movies, tv series, novels or graphic
novels, musical compositions, or podcasts. You do not necessarily,
for example, have to view the movies or read the novels; you may
find them by undertaking internet searches to discover descriptions,
reviews, and other references that outline the substance of the
movies, novels, etc. that you are researching.
Avoid non-fiction and/or self-help kinds of materials.
Each of your examples should be written up in 1-2 double spaced
types pages (250-500 words) plus citations (MLA) for all of the
sources you have employed. You should provide a brief description
or paraphrase of the work, indicate the Buddhist aspects found in it,
and argue for the significance or importance of these aspects in the
context of the work.

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