Fusion Centers roles in Homeland Security

Posted: February 10th, 2022

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Topic: Fusion Centers roles in Homeland Security
Paper 1- You are asked to complete a five-page paper on how Homeland Security has evolved in the United States and the role of Fusion Centers in the war on terror, is intelligence sharing working as it should?
You are required to write a well thought out response to the assigned topics. This is not simply an opinion piece; however, your opinion is welcomed as you write about the assigned topics. In your response to the assigned topics, I expect you will employ concepts learned in the course including definitions and theories from the text (and class lectures) that support your statements. If you cite from any source (including your textbook), I expect that source to be cited using APA style.
Your papers should add value to the topic and establish a correlation between the real-world example assigned and what you have learned in class. I expect you to work to make meaning of the material of the course. I will look for depth of engagement, as well as level of critical thinking and inquiry. Success hinges on keeping up with class readings and lectures.
This is not a team/group discussion paper – please complete this assignment individually.
Your initial response to the assigned topic must be 5 pages
Use APA formatting for ALL citations.
Review your work for proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Format your responses using the principles of good writing—Introduction, body, conclusion using topic sentences to guide your reader’s comprehension of your ideas.
Reminder of What Makes a Good Written Assignment
Like any written assignment, your paper should reflect the fundamentals of good writing. It should consist of a clear structure with an introduction, a body consisting of clearly organized and cohesive paragraphs that move your “argument” or explication forward, and a conclusion.
A clear structure begins with an outline, in which you plan out your paper. You are the author, so you must make some editorial decisions up front about how you will write, and for whom. (The omission of this crucial step is often the cause for poorly organized, rambling messes instead of clear, coherent papers.)
Your paper begins with an introduction in which your goal is to introduce your topic. After the introduction – which may be separated into more than one paragraph if it contains extensive background, context, or size and scope information – you need to layout the body of your paper.
The body of your paper should consist of coherent paragraphs with clear transitions including topic sentences that tell us the main idea or point of the paragraph followed by sentences that explain or argue or discuss the point, and some form of a summary sentence that either concludes the point or idea, and/or sets up the next idea or point to be discussed – a segue to the next paragraph.
Taken collectively, these body paragraphs must advance your argument or analysis or discussion via a clear, obvious progression. This internal structure is evident through your topic and summary sentences, and it should reflect the outline or plan you created for your paper, though you should allow your plan to change or adapt as the writing process helps your ideas evolve.
Finally, your paper should end with a conclusion, in which you bring the discussion/argument/analysis to a close. There should be no new information or ideas raised in your conclusion. You are done and wrapping your paper up. You should briefly recap your main points or ideas, and clearly restate your thesis. You may sum up how your thesis has been developed or supported by your treatment of the topic. You may wish to conclude by leaving your audience with some food for thought in terms of a wider application of your analytical approach or a broader context. As the author, you decide how and with what words you will conclude.
Above all, remember that the writing process is just that, a process. You should allow your writing – and thus, your ideas – to develop through multiple drafts. You do your readers, and yourself, a disservice if you only allow yourself time to write one draft and call it a finished paper. Think outline; first draft; revision for grammar, punctuation, and sentence and paragraph structure; revision for the refinement of ideas… and, ideally, a final revision for such things as better word choices, tighter transitions, and stronger verbs – in other words, for polish. Good writing is the result of effort and will be rewarded.
For all assignments, the standard rules of punctuation, grammar and mechanics apply. For help with any of these you can consult the following link. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/ (Links to an external site.)
The paper should be written in APA format, times new roman font 12-point, double spaced, 1-inch margins all around. You will not need to include an abstract. You can find APA assistance here: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html

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