Guidelines for Response Papers and Literature Search

Posted: July 9th, 2022

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Guidelines for Response Papers and Literature Search
Your response papers and lit searches will be based on your chapter assignments. Chapters 18 and 19.
A) Each paper will consist of 5 parts.
The first 3 parts of the paper (focusing on the TEXTBOOK: Merson, M. H. Black, R. H., Mills, A. J. (2020). Global Health: Diseases, Programs, Systems, and Policies (4th ed.). Jones and Bartlett; Burlington, MA. ISBN 978-1-4496-9736-5
a. ) must be at least 2 pages double spaced, without headers or extra spaces, maximum Times New Roman 11 point font and contain all information below. You may not cut and paste from any source. If you must cite a source, it must be in APA format and be less than 14 words, with an explanation in your own words of why it’s important to your argument. (Any cut and paste without citation will be considered plagiarism and you will receive a zero on that paper. Just don’t cut and paste. It’s not worth it and doesn’t save any time….)
b. Parts 4 and 5 focusing on an article (1 page for article) that complements the topic you’re reading about will meet the same criteria outlined above 1 page.
c. Here are the 5 parts:
1) a brief summary of your impressions of what you thought was the most important information in the chapter readings),
2) Be sure to state at least 3 important topics in the information you identify in the summary and
3) your conclusion or implications such as how the information in these readings might apply to current issues in health, health care and public health.
4) Provide a brief summary of the article found in the literature search (see below) identifying at least 3 important aspects of the article
5) How does this article expand on what you’ve read in the book or contribute to public health AND health care management?
B) More about the article that you will find, you will conduct a Galileo (or EBSCO) -based literature search on one topic from the response paper and find one ‘current’ article on that topic. (You don’t need one for each chapter – just one for each response paper). I recommend using library services (such as Galileo or EBSCO databases). Google searches may or may not qualify because they are not always scholarly papers and you will not receive credit for those.
1) The article that you select must be from a scholarly journal and accessible (full text) in Clayton’s Galileo search engine
2) The article must apply to public health topics that were in the readings assigned for the given response paper – and relating to Health Care Management
3) The article must have been first published in 2014 or later.
TEXTBOOK: Merson, M. H.. Black, R. H., Mills, A. J. (2020). Global Health: Diseases, Programs, Systems, and Policies (4th ed.). Jones and Bartlett; Burlington, MA. ISBN 978-1-4496-9736-5 (pbk)
Chapters 18 & 19

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