Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Pregnant Women: Screening

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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TOPIC: Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Pregnant Women: Screening
Evidence to support the reason for the screening (Evidence-based practice)
Addresses conflicting guidelines & controversies
Are there any new studies or information that might change the recommendation when it is next reviewed? 
 Final Project
Pick 1 USPSTF recommendation (https://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/Page/Name/recommendations) 
Review the USPSTF grading system and process of recommendation development. You will need to include an explanation of this in what you submit to the professor (though will not present this to the class).
Read the full recommendation, and research the literature related to the guideline. Are any conflicting guidelines from other organizations. Are there any controversies? Is there any information as to when it will be updated? Are there any new studies or information that might change the recommendation when it is next reviewed?
Present (in 10 minutes: 8 min presentaiton, 2 min Q & A) the recommendation, the significance, and any controversies, conflicting recommendations in the health care community regarding this.  You must present to get any credit for the project.
You will be evaluated on your understanding of the topic and the clarity of your presentation to your classmates.
There is no specific requirement on how long( how many pages) is needed for this project.  You don’t need to submit a assignment.  PPT is sufficient for class presentation. 

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