How an understanding of Ojibwe spirituality and beliefs informs your understanding of “The Shawl”

Posted: July 2nd, 2022

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It is an MLA formatted, 4 page researched paper. I chose postmodern elements of the story St. Lucys home for girls raised by wolves, but any of the other options are fine too.
Researched paper
Select from the following short stories and write a paper on one or more, using library databases to find
three secondary sources appropriate for college-level academic work.
 Black River
 “The Shawl”
 “St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves”
 “Dolan’s Cadillac”
 Any of the assigned poems
Note that you can write about “The Cask of Amontillado” in conjunction with another story, but please
don’t focus on that only as it’s not strictly speaking a contemporary piece.
For your topic, choose something that interests you and something on which you can find good
secondary sources (a secondary source is a piece written about the story) in the databases.
Suggestions for topics—you can come up with your own, too. Obviously, do not choose a topic you
used for Paper 1.
 Postmodern elements in any of these stories
 Irony in any of these stories
 Point of view and perspective and their impact on the reader’s experience in any of these storiDo your research early to be sure you can find enough secondary sources on your topic. See the
Your Paper Assignments, Library Resources and Support module for help.
Other selected literary elements in any of these stories
 A character study of the major characters in any of these stories
 Hulse’s treatment of the myth of the American West in Black River.
 A comparison of Hulse’s treatment of the myth of the American West with Proulx’s treatment of
the myth (this will work as long as you didn’t write about Proulx’s treatment of the myth for
your first paper)
 Compare a classic Western film to Hulse’s work.
 The elements of magical realism in “St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves”
 How an understanding of Ojibwe spirituality and beliefs informs your understanding of “The
 How “Dolan’s Cadillac” reflects Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado.”
 How the conventions of the horror genre are followed or disrupted in “Dolan’s Cadillac”
 A comparison of King’s novella with its film version (caution: this is rated R)—I think you can see
this on Amazon if you have a Prime account; do not attempt this topic unless you can talk
intelligently about film as an art form. Simply pointing out changes in plot structure between the
film and novella will not be adequate. You will need to discuss which accomplishes the theme,
symbolism, character development, etc. more effectively; which point of view is more effective
and why; which follows the conventions of literary/film horror genres more closely, etc.
 Imagery in any of the poems
 A comparison of literary elements in two or more poems
 You don’t have to find a secondary source about your specific story. For example, you can find
a source about the typical symbolism of water and argue that your story uses the symbol in that
way, or that your story twists the typical symbolism even if the source doesn’t mention your
story. You can find a source on Postmodernism and show the postmodern elements of your
story, even if the source doesn’t mention your story. You can find sources on the myth of the
American West and use that to discuss Hulse’s treatment of the myth even if the source doesn’t
mention the novel.
 You can compare protagonists or antagonists from multiple stories; in this case, while you might
not find much secondary material on Hulse’s work, for example, you might find a lot on King’s.
 Try not to rely on sources like LitCharts, Shmoop, etc. If you do, then you need to put them in
your Works Cited page, but they won’t count toward your three required secondary sources as
they’re not college-level sources.
 Other colleges’ webpages are appropriate sources as long as they’re created by faculty or at a
minimum a graduate student; however, you’ll still need three sources from our library
 Don’t use Wikipedia—anyone can add to a Wikipedia article, so you may be quoting someone’s
ill-informed uncle or a middle school student. There’s no way to know

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