How can a college or university increase its presence among military members seeking graduate degrees?

Posted: July 2nd, 2022

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Points: 15 | Due Date: Week 1, Day 7 | CLO | Grade Category: Assignments
Assignment Prompt
Part A: Choose a topic and complete a 3-5 page-long research proposal using the Capstone Proposal Form. Submit your proposal with signed Proposal Form to the Professor by Midnight (PST) on Sunday.
Part B: Please attach a 3-5 page, double spaced narrative to this intent form that addresses the questions below:
What is the proposed title of your project?Community Health Clinic for the Underserved
Describe the project you are proposing.
What questions or issues will be answered by your research? List and state them as research questions. For example, “How can a college or university increase its presence among military members seeking graduate degrees?”
Why are you pursuing this project? How will it benefit you?
How will the project benefit the company you are studying?
How will you gather your information? What sources will you be using to complete your research?
What skills, knowledge, and classes are important for you to master in order to complete this project?
Due: Monday Midnight
See USU Written Assignment Grading Rubric – MBA for additional details and point weighting.
I want you to follow the format as above. My topic is: Community Health Clinic for the Underserved

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