How can Chad help Sylvia to prevent further electronic infractions?

Posted: July 12th, 2022

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Chapter 19 – Assignment 
Scenario #1 – Chad is the case manager supervisor for the facility. He sent out an e-mail reminding Sylvia and the other case managers about the meeting they are to attend. Sylvia had less time to prepare for the case managers meeting, so she sends the following e-mail to her supervisor and the other case managers by using the “Reply all” button: “Hi Chad, I plan on being at the meeting but am running late. I was tied up with a case, Mrs. Hilton. I’ll be there shortly.”Scenario #2 – Sylvia attends the meeting, and Chad informs her of the HIPAA violation that occurred in her e-mail. Chad suggests that they work together to resolve the issue and informs Sylvia he is available after the meeting is over. Sylvia thanks him and states, “I appreciate your help and support; it is stressful dealing with chronically ill patients.”Instructions:
Read both scenarios above, and then answer the following questions: 

How should this communication be handled effectively?
What violations occurred during this communication?
How can Chad help Sylvia to prevent further electronic infractions?

Your assignment should be: 

One (1) page
Typed according to APA style for margins, formatting and spacing standards
Typed into a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload the file

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