How did the nursing interventions change

Posted: July 13th, 2022

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Based on the PPT slide presentation Case Presentation/Care Plan for a Senior II undergraduate nurse lecture, ****add an unfolding case study,***** using the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) Clinical Judgment Model (2019) and Woo’s slide presentation examples for guidance. (See module 5 for references.)
Review the applicable chapters in Giddens to determine how to set up the case presentation and case study for the medical diagnosis. Confirm that the case study content is at the Senior II nursing level. You may insert slides into the first PPT slide presentation that assist in creating the unfolding case study. Up to an additional 10 slides may be required. Use the 6-6 rule for slide presentations as much as possible (six lines on each slide, six words for each line). Use bullets and phrases. Limit the use of full sentences or paragraphs on a slide presentation.
Clinical Nursing Judgment in the Unfolding Case Study- Include an unfolding case study. This activity “flips the classroom” and allows the students to obtain and share information with classmates and the faculty member, which assists the student to develop clinical judgment. Provide the content, breaking several times in the lecture to ask unfolding case study questions of the students about the following:
1. Relevant cues from the medical history, first assessment of the vital signs, level of consciousness (LOC), pain level, and lab testing.
2. Analyze the cues, how does this help in determining the health status of the patient? Is the patient stable or unstable? What information is used as evidence to arrive at this answer?
3. Generate and prioritize hypotheses about on-going assessment strategies.
4. Generate solutions, utilizing nursing concepts to design interventions – Identify both nursing and intraprofessional interventions. (include psychosocial, developmental, and cultural implications).
In the unfolding case study, insert an adverse change within the patient’s health status, and then discuss step #5:
5. Take action, addressing highest priorities first – What are the critical findings in the assessment? What changes need to be addressed? See steps #2 and #3 above, what changes in priority of care are indicated? (See the syllabus for a detailed outline.) How did the nursing interventions change; was there a change in the nursing concepts due to patient change in health status?
6. Evaluate outcomes- What were the expected outcomes; how did this measure up to the overall health status outcome of the patient?
The slides, using a “bullet and phrases” approach and using the six-six rule (no more than six lines per slide, no more than six words per line). A title slide and reference slide should be included and are not part of the slide count. Copyrighted graphics or pictures need to be properly cited (see the chapter on figures in the APA manual). Each slide must contain references (author, year) cited for all references used on each slide (similar to citing references for each paragraph in text). Add a minimum of three additional references onto the reference slide(s) at the end of the presentation. If you have too many full reference citations on one slide, so that the print font becomes less than 12 point, provide a second reference slide.
RubricClassroom Slide Presentation II (CLO 1,2,3,4)
Criteria Ratings Pts
Content/Literature Review
view longer descriiption 30 pts
Comprehensive content provided on the mental health condition under study, covering all headings. Use of 5 or more references.
25 pts
Good coverage of most of the content, covering most headings. Use of 4 references, or less.
15 pts
Needs Improvement
Undeveloped or incomplete coverage of the content, some headings not covered. Use of 3 references, or less. / 30 pts
view longer descriiption 20 pts
Each slide outlines or supplements a major point or details previous point. Doesn’t visually overload or contain small font – all text clearly visible. 10-30 words per slide. Completely logical sequence of ideas. No or few APA citation or formatting errors.
16 pts
Most slides outline or supplement a major point. Most don’t visually overload or contain small font. 8-40 words on a few slides. Sequence of ideas mostly logical. 3-5 APA citation or formatting errors.
10 pts
Needs Improvement
Few slides outline or supplement a major point. Often visually overloaded or contain small font – all words clearly visible. More than 5 APA citation or formatting errors. / 20 pts
Teaching Activity
view longer descriiption 20 pts
Activity demonstrates “flipping the classroom”, opportunity for students to learn about the concept using own initiative.
16 pts
Teaching activity is developed, but activity depends on the instructor to define attributes of the concept.
10 pts
Needs Improvement
Activity, if present, does not encourage students to seek information on the concept. Instead, students play a passive role. / 20 pts
Concept Development
view longer descriiption 30 pts
Integration of the “3 Ps” into the presentation; all attributes of concept are well defined. Unfolding case study and change in care plan and nursing concepts clearly defined.
25 pts
Above Average
Integration of the “3 Ps” into the presentation; many attributes of concepts are well defined. Unfolding case study and change in care plan and nursing concepts defined for the most part.
20 pts
Most attributes of the concept are well defined, and easily understood. Unfolding case study and change in care plan and nursing concepts not fully developed.
15 pts
Below Average
Some attributes of the concepts are well defined, while other areas need development. Unfolding case study and change in care plan and nursing concepts not well defined.
10 pts
Needs Improvement
Poor/inadequate development of the concepts and change in care plan due to change in patient status; difficult to understand the concepts integration with care plan. / 30 pts

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