How did you overcome those challenges, or what would you do next time so that you could overcome challenges?

Posted: July 1st, 2022

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Instructions English 1301 Final Exam Congratulations! You are almost done with English 1301 and possibly with your first semester in college. Final Exam: The length requirements are 500 to 750 words. (Not more than two pages) Write one paragraph for each prompt. You can number these or title each one, but you do not have to. I will be looking for one paragraph to discuss each of the questions listed below. Each paragraph needs to be 7 to 9 sentences, not more and not less. Use sentence variety and elevated, college-level word choices and sentence structures to express your ideas. Use MLA format for heading and all other aspects of your final exam. Consider the areas of content, originality, clarity, organization, conciseness, and grammar as you revise and edit. In this final essay, reflect upon your semester’s experience. Keep in mind this essay is a narrative essay about your personal experience, and the best narratives demonstrate how an event has changed your perspective in some way. You CAN and MUST use first person. Reflect on how one of the works you read this semester changed your viewpoint on a topic. Reflect on where you started and where you ended this semester. Express how your skills–writing, editing, self-evaluation, ability to work with others,—or some other aspect of your writing process has grown this semester by what you studied in this class. Reflect on your experience at Lone Star College-Kingwood and the challenges you faced this semester. (We have all faced some sort of challenges). How did you overcome those challenges, or what would you do next time so that you could overcome challenges? What helped you achieve your goals, or what could you do in the future to work on achieving your goals? Good luck, and I mean that in every helpful and encouraging way! Due Date Jul 11, 2022 11:59 PM Hide Rubrics Rubric Name: Final Exam Rubric Criteria Excellent Good Meets Expectations Below Expectations Needs Improvement Criterion Score Mechanics 5 points The diction and structure of the essay are appropriate for academic standards and follow standard English guidelines. 4 points The diction and structure of the essay are appropriate for academic standards and follow standard English guidelines with some errors 3 points The diction and structure of the essay are appropriate for academic standards and follow standard English guidelines, but may have many errors. 2 points The diction and structure of the essay are not appropriate for academic standards, and writing shows many errors. 1 point The diction and structure of the essay have so many errors that the content is difficult to understand. Score of Mechanics,/ 5 Format 5 points Format including in text citations and works cited aligns with MLA. The format is used correctly. 4 points The format chosen is a good choice given the discipline of the topic. The format is used correctly but may have a few errors. 3 points The format chosen may not be a good choice given the discipline of the topic or the format is used correctly but may have several errors. There are some errors with MLA format. 2 points The format chosen may not be right for the topic and may have many errors There are several errors in MLA format. 1 point The chosen format is incorrect and has many errors or no clear format is followed. Score of Format,/ 5 Organization 5 points Clear introduction, body, and conclusion All three are tied together with clear transitions. The organization of the essay is clear and easy for readers to follow. 4 points Organization is clear though lacking some elements 3 points Some attempt at organization 2 points Organization is unclear or ineffective 1 point No clear organization of ideas Score of Organization,/ 5 Content 5 points The content is relevant to the development of a good research question and investigates a problem or gap in the topic. The content works well toward an understanding of what others have said on the topic. 4 points The content is somewhat relevant to the development of a good research question and begins to investigate a problem or gap in the topic. The content attempts to compile an understanding of what others have said on the topic. 3 points The content not exactly relevant to the development of a good research question and doesn’t begin to investigate a problem or gap in the topic. The content may not clearly connect the ideas of the articles used and may not represent the key ideas needed to investigate a research question. 2 points The content may not reflect an understanding of the issues of the topic or may be too broad to consider a good research question. The articles chosen may not be relevant to narrow the topic and consider a good research question. 1 point The content does not reflect an understanding of the issues of the topic and is too broad to consider a good research question. The articles chosen are not be relevant to narrow the topic and consider a good research question.

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