How did you record consent if a signature was not acquired?

Posted: July 1st, 2022

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Methodology Part 2
Refer to the resources in the Reading Assignment and the instructions in the template and complete the following sections of your Applied Research Proposal:
• Research Procedure – Start this section by explaining the process for acquiring permission from your campus leader to complete the study. In the proposal, this will be in future tense using the language “The researcher will…” Once the study is complete, this section will be edited to the past tense. My research topic is: Early Years and Primary Students’ Comprehension Difficulties of Stem Education
• Soliciting Participants – Explain in detail the steps for acquiring the participants for your study. How did you recruit participants? The participates will be 3 years to 6 years (Kindergarten) and 6 – 7years (First Grade).
• Informed Consent – Explain in detail the steps for acquiring informed consent from your participants or the parents of your participants if under 18 years of age. How were the questions answered? How were consent forms distributed? How did you acquire consent? How did you record consent if a signature was not acquired?
• Data Collection Procedures – Explain in detail the steps for collecting the data using the sources and instruments discussed earlier. Be very detailed so that anyone reading this could replicate your study identically without question. Think of this section as though you were writing a recipe. You must include every step of the process in extreme detail so that it could be replicated.
Please used the Research Template attach below.

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