How did your early relationships affect later developmental stages/relationships?

Posted: July 4th, 2022

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You will discuss the developmental stages you highlighted in your timeline and how these stages relate to the developmental concepts discussed throughout this course. You will analyze your life stages as it relates to the key aspects of human growth and development. Take the highlighted stages and discuss the influencing factors that led to who you are today.
A part of this paper is to incorporate empirical studies related to your chosen stages. Depending on the chosen stages, you may bring more attention during one period of time in your life than another.
In addition to the empirical studies that help discuss your chosen stages, make sure to integrate your spiritual development and highlight any applicable research.
You want to obtain as much information as you can about any significant events you identified in these chosen developmental stages. In addition to identifying your reactions in behaviors and feelings, some key ideas/concepts/questions you will want to ask yourself as you reflect on your timeline and the research are:
How did these key events affect your behavior and feelings toward other events/people?
Were there challenges in meeting developmental milestones?
How did your early relationships affect later developmental stages/relationships?
Which theoretical model do you believe aligned most with your chosen stages?
**This is not a comprehensive list of questions, but rather concepts to catalyze the thought process.**
Lastly, you will finish the paper with any lifestyle behaviors that may influence your aging process. Detail these issues, how you believe they will or are affecting your aging process and give some details about what you plan to do.
The body of the paper must be 8-10 pages (excluding title page, abstract, and reference page).
The assignment MUST be completed adhering to the most current edition of APA format.
You must include 8-10 peer-reviewed, scholarly sources. 7 of the sources must be empirical articles written within the last 10 years.
You may use first person in this paper since it is a reflective piece.
You must include a formal conclusion summarizing your paper.
Your paper must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document through SafeAssign.

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